Saturday, August 22, 2009

Build A Bear Workshop

Ok, I never thought I would be posting pictures of my mom and dad making bears at Build A Bear workshop, but the day has come! This morning we met Shelley for breakfast and went to see her apartment. Then since she had to go to work so mom, dad and I went to a outdoor shopping center and looked around for a little bit. When we come to the Build A Bear and started looking both mom and dad decided to make one for themselves. It was funny to watch the whole process! :)
Hear they are picking out outfits for their bears

Mom stuffing her bear

Dad stuffing his bear

Notice the 2 other guys in the back of dad also stuffing bears. It was funny to watch them all together!
giving the bears a "bath"
All dressed. Dad made a Broncoes bear and mom's is a cute little girl
Naming them Missy and Skippy
What a fun visit!
And this is just an added bonus~ a video of dad making a wish with his heart for the bear. I think he was a real trooper, and had fun (even if he won't admit it).

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Swimming at Grandma's house

Shannon, Josh and the kids went over to Grandma's house to let the kids play in the pool and have some dinner and since I had to drop Bella off anyway I decided to join them. It was fun to see how much the kids enjoyed the water and spend some time with everyone.
Lydia did great using all the skills she learned in swim lessons
Joshua getting a bath before they go home just in case he fell asleep in the car

Boone County Fair

I took Lydia to the fair with me since Shannon and Josh had a really busy week and couldn't take the kids and I knew Lydia would love it. We met Amanda (my co-worker) and her husband and daughter, Lauren, there. Lydia and Lauren get along great even though they are 2 1/2 years apart. They enjoyed it all...rides, food, animals and even fireworks as we were leaving. Then I took Lydia back to my apartment and she got to spend the night with me. She is so much fun! :)
Going on the roller coaster together
They got so dizzy on the tea cups.

Just as we were leaving fireworks started going off. Even though Lydia was tired, she still had to stop and watch

Baby Announcements

For those you that don't know, the girl that I work with is having a baby girl the second week in September. She is a big scrapbooker and loves the homemade cards I have been making so I told her I would be happy to make her birth announcements. I think they turned out really cute!! I used the cricut for most of it and it was very easy to make in large numbers. The nursery is in pink and purple giraffes so this fit perfectly.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 4th!

Shannon and Josh invited Grandma and I over for dinner and to watch fireworks from their back yard for the 4th. It was alot of fun to be with everyone and play with the kids. Joshua was all decked out in his red, white and blue. He loved exploring the back yard while the adults watched from the deck.
We all had to take turns playing with Lydia. We all had fun, but she tends to have more energy than all of us adults combined!
Joshua thought he was so big sitting in Lydia's chair. It was cute to see him so proud of himself.
Lydia loved playing with the sparklers!
I know Shannon will most likely put this on her blog, but I thought it was a cute picture of their family.
Shannon still loves to play with bugs...and sharing that love with Joshua. He was very interested in the lightning bugs.
A picture with Aunt Stacey :) We couldn't get Lydia to hold still for anymore pictures...maybe next time.
Lydia loved the fireworks! Bri (Josh's step-sister) loved sharing that with her too.
It was a great night, although I can't believe the 4th is over! Tomorrow my mom comes so we are all getting very excited to see her! I am sure I will have lots of pictures in the next few weeks!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Night at the carnival

Swedish American Health System had a carnival Friday night for employee's families and the surrounding neighborhood. It was small, but for a free carnival it was really nice. It was great for all the kids because there was a little of everything for them to do. I took Lydia with me and we met my coworker, Amanda, and her daughter, Lauren who is 5. They had a blast together!
Anytime we were waiting in a line they were dancing to the music. it is hard to get a picture of 2 little girls moving so fast!
Of course they loved jumping...what kid doesn't? :)
Then we asked if they wanted to ride the ride, which was like the swings that just go around in a circle as they go up. Lauren hasn't really been on any rides other than the few I took her on when I met them at the fair last year so we weren't sure how either of them would like it...
They both loved it!!! I couldn't get a picture of it, but toward the end they both had their hands up in the air and big smiles on their faces.
The last ride was the ponies. We got in line just in time before they closed.
I had a great time watching Lydia enjoy the night. I haven't had much time to spend with her lately so it was nice to spend some time with her. She is so much fun!!!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Melissa's wedding

Last weekend my good friends Melissa and Thomas got married.  For those of you that don't know the story, Melissa and I have only been friends for a few years but it was my mom who met her first and said that we would be great friends.  About a year later the two of us got together to talk about starting a small group at church and I have enjoyed her friendship ever since.  It is funny how things work out!  :)

It was fun to be a part of their special day and see everyone get all dressed up (most of us on the wedding party don't normally look like this).  The ceremony was short but sweet and the reception was beautiful!!!  Sorry these pictures are a little late.  One of the other bridesmaids took my camera by accident.  

We had her bachelorett party on Thursday night.  It was fun just to get all us girls together and enjoy some talking and of course food!
The rehearsal dinner
Roses were set up in memory of all the grandparents that couldn't be there
Getting make-up done

Oops, I forgot to flip this one...sorry.  This is Melissa's nephew.  He was so cute in his little suit and he kept saying that "aunt Melissa looked pretty".  
Melissa and me. hair was all curls!  It was cute but a little to many curls for how thick my hair is.  
The reception hall at Giovanni's.  It was beautiful and wonderful food!
Table with the mints and ice sculpture
Cutting the cake.  Thomas and Melissa designed what they wanted for their cake.  The flowers on it matched the beading design on her dress.  

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Night out!

Last week I got a chance to get out and enjoy some time with Beth.  With her work schedule, me working overtime and other things that we have gotten involved it we haven't seem much of each other.  We decided to go to Red Robbin for dinner but didn't realize it was family night there.  We took advantage of the bird waling around and got our picture taken.  After dinner we ran a few errands and just spent some time catching up.  It was great to spend time with her again!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

This week was "Week of the Young Child" and we celebrated at work by having fun themes every day.  Tuesday was pajama day and all of us teachers love that day.  This is Susi (our cook) who went all out for it.  It was funny because every time she walked into our room she would scare some of our babies.  So by the end of the day she would just knock on our door and we would hand her our dishes so she didn't have to come it.  Every other day the babies love her!  Some of the other themes were backwards day, sports day, funny hat/hair day and rainbow day (each age group had a different color).  It was alot of fun!
Saturday night a bunch of us teachers got together and did a scavenger hunt around the Rockford area.  It was alot of fun even if we didn't win.  We had clues that we had to guess the answer then have our picture taken in front of the sign of the destination.   This is Michele in front of the Burpee Museum where Jane the dinosaur is.  We also went to the big orange Rockford symbol, Showplace 16, Coronado...
me in front of the Mrs. Fisher's chips sign
and Amanda with one of our many sock monkeys around town.  I think this is where we lost the game.  We needed a picture with one of the monkeys, but couldn't figure out where one was that wasn't in a closed building (it was Sat. night and nothing was open).  When we got back they told us there was one in the entrance to the hospital.  I KNEW THAT!!!!!  I was so mad at my self for not thinking about it!   Oh well, we had fun anyway.
After we went out to dinner with everyone and got to spend some time chatting without a bunch of screaming kids around us.  :)  It was a fun time!  

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Amazing concert!!!!

I went to a Michael W. Smith and Steven Curtis Chapman concert last night with my friend Sara.  It was amazing!!!!  At first, we were a little upset because the seats we were sitting in were blocked by a big speaker and we couldn't see anything but the band.  Once the concert started, we noticed that there were lots of seats open so we moved down closer...Much better!!!!  
This was my 5th MWS concert but I don't think I have seen SCC in concert (or not that I can remember).  He has such an amazing story after all that his family has been through the last year.  It is amazing to see what God has done in their lives after such a horrible accident.  The guitarist on the left is his oldest son.  His other son was on the drums for a few songs and his oldest daughter was there helping with other things.  
My favorite part was seeing both of them together on the stage.  They were funny to watch when they started singing the other person's songs. 
And of course I loved the MWS portion of the concert!!!!
A special guest joined them for a few songs also...Geoff Moore!  I can't believe there were three big name artists on one stage!!  
I took alot of videos since it was so entertaining to see them together.  I hope I don't bore you with all of them.  They are short and get a little blurry, but fun to watch.

SCC singing "Cinderella".  He said it was on of the hardest songs to sing again after everything he has been through.

This is them playing their favorite songs from the other artist.  Very fun to watch!!!

Singing "Friends".  Kind of gave it a new meaning after hearing SCC talk about his daughter and everyone coming to his side.  

Geoff Moore joining in on some worship.  

I even got to go eat at Cheddar's before the concert...yummmm.  It was a great night and so much fun!