Sunday, June 7, 2009

Night at the carnival

Swedish American Health System had a carnival Friday night for employee's families and the surrounding neighborhood. It was small, but for a free carnival it was really nice. It was great for all the kids because there was a little of everything for them to do. I took Lydia with me and we met my coworker, Amanda, and her daughter, Lauren who is 5. They had a blast together!
Anytime we were waiting in a line they were dancing to the music. it is hard to get a picture of 2 little girls moving so fast!
Of course they loved jumping...what kid doesn't? :)
Then we asked if they wanted to ride the ride, which was like the swings that just go around in a circle as they go up. Lauren hasn't really been on any rides other than the few I took her on when I met them at the fair last year so we weren't sure how either of them would like it...
They both loved it!!! I couldn't get a picture of it, but toward the end they both had their hands up in the air and big smiles on their faces.
The last ride was the ponies. We got in line just in time before they closed.
I had a great time watching Lydia enjoy the night. I haven't had much time to spend with her lately so it was nice to spend some time with her. She is so much fun!!!


Unknown said...

It looks like it was a fun night! Lydia looks so big playing with her "friend." Thanks for taking her - maybe next year I can go with you! :)

The Kings said...

How fun for you to get to share times like this with Lydia... and you're creating memories for her too. I'm glad you took pictures, because I had trouble visualizing her doing all those "big girl" things with Amanda's daughter.