Sunday, November 2, 2008


I got to go meet Shannon and the kids for trick-or-treating! It was so much fun to watch Lydia (and her little friend Morgan) get so excited about getting candy. I don't think either one of them ever really said "tick-or-treat" but they got the concept of ringing the door bell and getting candy. :)

Since the weather was so nice even Joshua got to get out and enjoy it! He was a little bumble bee.

Lydia was a beautiful princess! I think she enjoyed the dressing up as much as the candy.

Joshua in his 1st Halloween shirt. He is getting to be so much fun!

I am so glad I got to enjoy that with them. I even got stew for dinner! For those of you who don't know...that is a King tradition!


Unknown said...

Once again, you got fabulous pictures. One of these days I'm going to get some of them saved to my hard drive. One of these days... :) I especially love the one with Lydia sitting on the floor. Precious! I'm so glad you were able to come over for Halloween. That's becoming a tradition as well, isn't it?

The Kings said...

I'm glad you got to be with the kids on Halloween (even if I am a little bit jealous) and Shannon's get great pics!