Thursday, August 20, 2009

Boone County Fair

I took Lydia to the fair with me since Shannon and Josh had a really busy week and couldn't take the kids and I knew Lydia would love it. We met Amanda (my co-worker) and her husband and daughter, Lauren, there. Lydia and Lauren get along great even though they are 2 1/2 years apart. They enjoyed it all...rides, food, animals and even fireworks as we were leaving. Then I took Lydia back to my apartment and she got to spend the night with me. She is so much fun! :)
Going on the roller coaster together
They got so dizzy on the tea cups.

Just as we were leaving fireworks started going off. Even though Lydia was tired, she still had to stop and watch

1 comment:

The Kings said...

Lydia looks so big...I think she's grown even since we were there only a month ago. Looks like it was a fun night for both of you.