Sunday, June 15, 2008

Jazz's trip outside

Today Shelley and I decided to try to to take Jazz outside for a few minutes. Shelley had been putting the leash on him in the apartment just to get him used to it and he was doing very good with it.
At first he was a little scared with all the new surroundings, but he soon got more comfortable after exploring a little.
Bella couldn't figure out why Jazz wasn't as playful as he is in the apartment.
The trip outside ended when he started to leap over a bush and his collar came unsnapped. That scared Shelley and me enough to cut the fun there. I think we need to get him a harness for next time.


The Kings said...

Wow...Jazz is such a pretty cat! Bella and Jazz look cute together. I do think a harness is a smarter idea though.

Unknown said...

And you thought I was crazy for bringing a lizard out on a leash?!? ;)